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Jumat, 05 April 2019

Symbian dan Android

Android dan Symbian

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hallo guys pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya dalam menggunakan handphone saat ini dan handphone saat itu, handphone saat ini yang kita banyak gunakan adalah handphone android dan handphone saat itu yang dahulu kita gunakan adalah handphone Symbian.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mengulas apasih perbedaan dari handphone android dan handphone Symbian, kelebihan-kelebihan yang saya ketahui setelah menggunakan handphone pada saat itu dan pada saat ini, dan lain sebagainya.

Okay sebelum saya membahas hal-hal tersebut alangkah baiknya kita mengetahui terlebih dahulu sejarah handphone android dan handphone Symbian, jadi saya akan membahas sedikit sejarah dari handphone android dan handphone Symbian

Sejarah Handphone Android
            Android, inc. didirikan di palo alto, California pada bulan oktober 2003 oleh andy rubin, rich miner, nick sears, dan chris white untuk mengembangkan perangkat selular pintar yang lebih sadar akan lokasi dan prefensi penggunanya. Tujuan awal pengembangan android adalah untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem operasi canggih yang diperuntukan bagi kamera digital, namun kemudian disadari bahwa pasar untuk perangkat tersebut tidak cukup besar, dan pengembangan android lalu dialihkan bagi pasar telephone pintar untuk menyaingi Symbian dan windows mobile. Meskipun para pengembang android adalah pakar-pakar teknologi yang berpengalaman, android Inc dioperasikan secara diam-diam, hanya diungkapkan bahwa para pengembang sedang menciptakan sebuah perangkat lunak yang diperuntukan bagi telephone seluler.
            Google mengakusisi Android Inc pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2005, menjadikannya sebagai anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh google. Pendiri android Inc seperti rubin, miner, dan white tetap bekerja di perusahaan setelah diakusisi oleh google. Setelah itu, di google, tim yang dipimpin oleh rubin mulai mengembangkan platform perangkat seluler dengan menggunakan kernel linux. Google memasarkan platform tersebut kepada produsen perangkat seluler dan operator nirkabel.
            Pada tanggal 5 november 2007, Open Handset Alliance (OHA) didirikan. OHA adalah konsorsium dari perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi seperti google, produsen perangkat seluler seperti HTC, Sony, dan Samsung, Operator nirkabel seperti Sprint Nextel dan T-Mobile, serta produsen chipset seperti Qualcomm dan Texas Instruments. Saat itu Android diresminakn sebagai produk pertamanya, sebuah platform seluler yang menggunakan kernel linux 2.6. telephone seluler komersial pertama yang menggunakan sistem operasi android adalah HTC Dream yang diluncurkan pada 22 oktober 2008.

Sejarah Handphone Symbian
            Pada tahun 1980, berdiri perusahaan pengembang software Psion yang didirikan oleh David Potter. Produk perusahaan itu diberi nama EPOC. Sistem operasi ini lebih difokuskan pada penggunaannya di telephone bergerak. Pada tahun 1998, terjadi sebuah kerjasama antara perusahaan Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola dan Psion untuk mengeksplorasi lebih jauh kekonvergensian antara PDA dan telepon seluler yang diberi nama Symbian. Pada tahun 2004 Psion menjual sahamnya dan kerjsama ini menghasilkan EPOC Release 5 yang kemudian dikenal dengan nama Symbian OSv5. Sistem oeprasi Sysmbian OS v5 itu sudah mulai menintegrasikan kebutuhan implementasi aplikasi pada perangkat seperti PDA selain telephone seluler.
            Kemudian muncul versi-versi terbaru dari sybian os yaitu c6.0 atau lebih terkenalnya dengan nama ER6 yang merupakan versi pertama dari Symbian OS. Pada tahun 2005, muncul Symbian OS v9.1 dengan sistem keamanan platform baru yang dikenal sebagai capability-based security. Sistem keamanan ini mengatur hak akses bagi aplikasi yang aka diinstal pada peralatan dalam hal mengakses API
            Muncul pula Symbian OS v9.2 melakukan perbaruan konektifitas Bluetooth, sedangkan pada tanggal 12 juli 2006 symbian mengeluarkan Symbian OS v9.3 telah mengusung teknologi wifi 802.11 dan HSDPA sebagai bagian dari komponen standarnya

Okay jadi itu sejarah singkat mengenai android dan Symbian yang bersumber dari Wikipedia yaa, lalu selanjutnya saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya menggunakan kedua handphone tersebut.

            Pertama kali saya menggunakan handphone itu adalah handphone bermerk LG tipe nya lupa, HP tersebut sudah tipis setipis coklat silver queen, pada hp tersebut sudah memiliki OS Symbian tipe gatau berapa karena masih belum mengetahui teknologi, fitur yang terdapat dihp tersebut ada Bluetooth, infrared, games yang sudah tersedia, ada music, kamera dan lupa. Lalu dikesempatan kemudian saya pernah menggunakan handphone sony ericsion yang sudah memiliki fitur jaringan internet pada handphone tersebut, alhasil saya dapat mencari music-music dan games games di internet.
            Lalu pertama kali saya menggunakan handphone android adalah handphone bermerk Sony tipe nya lupa, dan lagi-lagi karena pada saat itu saya masih gaptek yaa jadi hp tersebut hanya digunakan untuk berphoto dan bermain game, hiya hiya hiya. Tapi didalam hp android tersebut memiliki banyak sekali fitur mulai dari Bluetooth, internet mobile, aplikasi yang mudah masuk ke handphone, wifi, pattern lock, dll. Seiring perkembangan zaman pada hp tipe android saat ini sudah memiliki banyak sekali fitur seperti sudah masuk nya 4G internet, GPS, finger lock, screen capture, NFC, kamera yang Hd, memori dan ram yang digunakan untuk penggunaan aplikasi dan banyak sekali aplikasi yang dapat masuk kedalam handphone android ini melalui aplikasi google playstore. Diantaranya ada game, document, music, ebook, dll yang saya tidak dapat sebutkan satu persatu.

Okay jadi itu pengalaman saya dalam menggunakan handphone Symbian dan handphone android, jelas sekali yaa perbedaan diantar kedua handphone tersebut dimana jika dahulu handphone Symbian mendownload game melalui waptrick sedangkan handphone android melalui google playstroe dan tingkat kualitas game nya pun berbeda, handphone android sampai saat ini masih terus berkembang dan tidak tahu akan sampai versi berapa ujung nya dan perkembangan seperti apa yang dapat diperlihatkan para pengembang handphone android di dunia ini. Ada HP tahan air, lalu ada hp yang bisa dilipat, dan banyak lagi, untuk teknologi sudah banyak hp android yang mengusung sistem AI, face detection, speech recognition, finger gesture recognition, fingerprint security lock, dll

Okay itu saja ulasan yang dapat saya sampaikan diblog saya ini jika terdapat kesalahan dalam memberikan ilmu harap dituliskan dikolom komentar, karena saya disini pun tidak luput dari kesalahan.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Referensi :

Senin, 07 Januari 2019



Pada kesempatan kali ini saya membuat suatu blog yang berisi cara menghubungkan web server pada virtual os linux ubuntu (vmware) dengan os windows 10

Menghubungkan web server pada linux ubuntu di vmware dengan windows
          1.       Baca bismillah
          2.       Masuk terminal ubuntu
          3.       Ketikan sudo su untuk mendapatkan hak akses
          4.       Lalu instal apache2 pada terminal

          5.       Masuk ke browser (mozilla firefox) lalu ketikan localhost untuk membuktikan apache sudah ter instal

         6.       Ketikan nano /var/www/html//index.html pada terminal untuk mengubah script yang ada pada index.html

    7.       Isi script yang ada pada index html dihapus hingga bersih

         8.       Script yang telah dihapus isikan dengan script dibawah ini.

          9.       Setelah script terisi, masuk ke browser kembali, lalu refresh pada localhost. Sehingga akan menampilkan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

          10.   Setelah pembuatan web pada linux berhasil, selanjutnya saya akan membuka web yang saya buat di linux ubuntu dengan vmware ini pada sistem operasi windows
          11.   Pilih network and sharing center pada windows, sehingga tampilan seperti gambar dibawah iini, lalu pilih change adapter settings

         12.   Setelah pilih change adapter settings, akan masuk ke tampilan gambar dibawah, lalu pilih vmware network adapter vmnet1

          13.   Setelah masuk ke vmware vmnet 1, pilih properties

          14.   Setelah masuk ke properties, pilih IPv4

          15.   Setelah masuk ke IPv4, kita akan memasukan IP Address, subnet mask, default gateway, dan prefered DNS server. Untuk mengisi nya cek IP linux ubuntu pada vmware lalu ketikan ifconfiq pada terminal linux ubuntu. Inet addr adalah ip linux ubuntu nya

          16.   Setelah itu masukan IP address dengan IP untuk mengawali IP
          17.   Lalu subnet mask nya akan otomatis terisi dengan
          18.   Lalu masukan default gateway sesuai dengan ip pada linux ubuntu yaitu
          19.   Dan preferred DNS server masukan sesuai dengan inet address local loopback

          20.   Setelah terisi, pilih ok
          21.   Lalu masuk ke browser pada windows 10 (google chrome)
          22.   Ketikan ip linux ubuntu vmware nya
          23.   Lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

          24.   Jika ip vmware yang dimaskan berhasil dan hasil web pada linux ubuntu dengan windows sama berarti koneksi web server dengan linux ubuntu ke windows berhasil
            25.   Selesai

Yaa sekian tutorial cara menghubungkan web server menggunakan os windows dengan virtual os  (vmware) linux ubuntu

Terima kasih

Jumat, 06 April 2018



Network games. Derived from the word game and network, Game is a type of playing method that uses electronic media, is a multimedia-shaped entertainment that made as attractive as possible so that players can achieve something in the game and get psychological satisfaction. A network is a collection of systems consisting of multiple interconnected devices to achieve the same goal. The network can be a connection that is connected to the world wide with internet connection, and there is also offline network type where we can only connect between devices with local system area. There is a network if a device is connected to another device, be it online or offlne.
Network Games is a game with electronic media that is played by connecting with other users by utilizing a network interface to play games simultaneously with other users of different places, times with the help of networks that can connect between devices, whether it's a computer device or other device to be able to play games.
Based on its graphic, a game can be categorized with 2D and 3D graphics. While based on the type of games, there are strategy games, RPG, MMORPG, FPS, Adventure until action games. Usually Games have been using AI (Artificial Intelligent) as friends and enemies to play for players, AI in a game has several levels consist of, Easy, Medium and Hard. Often playing against AI causes the player to start bored, because the game will
become monotonous. To overcome that problem, network in the game is must have. The network is a collection of systems consisting of multiple interconnected devices to get the same results. With the existence of such networks, we can play with people around the world with internet connection.

Game Development History
       The development of online games itself can not be separated from the development of computer technology and computer network. The booming of online games itself is a reflection of the rapid computer network that was once small scale (small local network) to become the Internet and continues to grow until now. Online Games today is not the same as when online games were introduced for the first time. When it first appeared in 1960, the computer could only be used for 2 people to play games. Then comes the computer with time-sharing capabilities so that more players can play the game can be more and not have to be in a same room (Multiplayer Games).
       Then in 1970 when the emergence of packet-based computer network (packet based computer networking), computer network is not only limited to the LAN but already includes the WAN and become the Internet. The first online game to appear mostly are war games or aircraft games used for military purposes that eventually released and commercialized, these games then inspire other games to emerge and grow. In 2001 was the culmination of dotcom fever, so the dissemination of information about online gaming is accelerating.

Games based on it’s graphics
- 2 Dimensions, games that adopt this technology are usually low-spec games, not burdening the system. But games with 2D image quality are not good when compared to 3D games so the average online game is now adopting 2.5D technology where the characters are still 2D but the environment is already adopted 3D.
 - 3 Dimensions, 3 type games Dictionary is a game with a good grapher in depiction in reality, most of these games have a camera shift (angle) up to 360 degrees so we can see the whole game world. However, 3D games require a fairly high specification of the computer so that the 3 Dimensional display of the game is displayed perfectly.

Based on payment method
The point is how online game companies earn money from their games. Based on these categories online games can be divided into 2 :
A. Pay Per Item, games in this category are games that can be installed or played for free, and these games usually charge a player if players want to level up quiclkly or buy rare items that are never found in the game. This type of game is the most common in Indonesia. Example: Gunbound, Ragnarok, Ghost Online, etc.
B. Pay per Play, this game must be purchased and installed legally because at the time the game is installed ,it will register the player to the internet directly and if the installed is pirated program then the system will automatically block it. Example: War of Warcraft, etc.

Kinds Of Online Games
There are 2 kinds of online games, as follows.
- Online Game File-based offline Installer
Online Game based on file installer is a game that can be installed on the device without internet. However, to play it, this game is required to have internet connection. The goal is to connect player 1 to the game server then process it so that player 1 can connect with other players who are also doing the same thing. That way, is possible the occurrence of contact between one player with another player. This type of game has advantages that usually lies in the graphics quality and features are pretty cool. While the lack, this type of game tend to experience lagging especially if the device used does not have a high specification.
- Web-Based Online Game
Web-based online game is different from the previous one. If you previously used the installer file, but this time Web-based online games take advantage of a browser or a web browser such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. So, to play this type of game, a gamer just need to open the browser and type the url address of the online game. After that, the game can be played without having to undergo the installation process. The advantages of this type of game lies in its easy and fast use. However, for the drawback, the game as usual has a graphic image that tends to be less good than the file-based online game installer. In addition, if the internet connection is slow then the process of loading web-based online games will be sluggish.

Types of Online Games
1. Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)
These games are played over a LAN (local area network) or via the Internet. Players use a network and interact with other players in the virtual game room. You can play against people from all over the world. The creation of these games involves thousands of hours of programming, giving you, the player, the most amazing gaming experience possible.
2. Simulations
These games involve taking control of real-world vehicles, including tanks, ships, and aircraft. You learn how to control these vehicles, and use simulation games that can also be used to train professionals. In fact, many pilots are trained using airplane simulators before they actually take flight.
3. Adventure
These are usually single player games, and are often set in fantasy or adventure worlds. You complete puzzles to advance levels. The game generally starts with a back story of your character, and let you know what your mission is. You have to figure out how to complete the mission.
4. Real-Time Strategy (RTS)
For these games, you usually need to build up your inventory of items, armies, etc. Similar to a strategy game, RTS games move in real-time, and players can play at once without taking turns so you can play together at the same time.
5. Puzzle
These games appeal to those who love to solve difficult puzzles. There are many levels, from beginner to expert, and games usually have coloured shapes and simple actions. These are brain games, with no action involved.
6. Action
You need to be fast to enjoy these fast-paced games, and you need to have excellent reflexes. Complete challenges by fighting with enemies, and use a character of your choice to represent yourself and jump into the action. The genre includes diverse sub-genres such as fighting games, shooter games and platform games which are widely considered the most important action games, though multiplayer online battle arena and some real-time strategy games are also considered to be action games.
7. Stealth Shooter
These tend to be war games or spy-based games, where you use stealth to defeat your enemies.
8. Combat
Fight one on one with opponents, up close and personal. You need good reflexes, and the ability to use the controls for all kinds of fighting moves.
9. First Person Shooters (FPS)
You are the protagonist, and the game is viewed through your eyes. You can really get into these games. The only downfall is that you are not able to see how you look in the game, because you are seeing things through your own eyes.
10. Sports
Play real-world sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, and more. As you work up through the various skill levels, your game will involve mimicking real professional athletes and how they move. The most popular sports games are usually based around specific popular sporting events.
11. Role-Playing (RPG)
If you love fantasy, you will love role-playing games. You get to act out the part of the main character, be the hero, etc., and make decisions that go along with the games’ story lines. Many of these games have narrative guides.
12. Educational
While many parents and teachers complain about video games, there are some great educational games out there that can help with the learning process. Train in a variety of subjects, using games to make learning fun instead of boring. There are testing functions, where you can answer multiple choice questions. The most common types of education games are for math, science, and ICT.

There’re so many examples of network games,for examples:
1.      Dota 2

Dota 2 is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The game is the stand-alone sequel to Defense of the Ancients (DotA), which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen ThroneDota 2 is played in matches between two teams of five players, with each team occupying and defending their own separate base on the map. Each of the ten players independently controls a powerful character, known as a "hero", who all have unique abilities and differing styles of play. During a match, players collect experience points and items for their heroes to successfully battle the opposing team's heroes in player versus player combat. A team wins by being the first to destroy a large structure located in the opposing team's base, called "The Ancient".

2.      Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Hidden Path Entertainmentand Valve Corporation. It is the fourth game in the Counter-Strike series and was released for Microsoft WindowsOS XXbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in August 2012, with the Linux version released in September 2014. The game pits two teams against each other: the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. Both sides are tasked with eliminating the other while also completing separate objectives, the Terrorists, depending on the game mode, must either plant the bomb or defend the hostages, while the Counter-Terrorists must either prevent the bomb from being planted, defuse the bomb, or rescue the hostages. There are eight game modes, all of which have distinct characteristics specific to that mode.

PING in network games
Ping refers to the network latency between a player's client and the game server. Ping is reported quantitatively as an average time in milliseconds (ms). The lower one's ping is, the lower the latency is and the less lag the player will experience. High ping and low ping are commonly used terms in online gaming, where high ping refers to a ping that causes a severe amount of lag; while any level of ping may cause lag, severe lag is usually caused with a ping of over 100 milliseconds. In games where timing is key, such as first-person shooter and real-time strategy games, a low ping is always desirable, as a low ping means smoother gameplay by allowing faster updates of game data between the players' clients and game server.
In some first-person shooter games, a high ping may cause the player to unintentionally gain unfair advantages, such as appear and disappearing from one location and instantaneously reappear in another, simulating the effect of teleportation, thus making it hard for other players to judge their character's position and subsequently making the player much more difficult to target. To counter this, many game servers automatically kick players with a ping higher than average. Conversely, a high ping can make it very difficult for the player to play the game due to negative effects occurring, making it difficult for the player to track other players and even move their character

Sumber :

Nama Anggota :
    Ø  Alif
    Ø  Daniel Chandra
    Ø  Dicky Pamungkas
    Ø  Jovandy Saputra
    Ø  Putra Raudyazahra